We are here to sell your items! Our aim is to make selling with us a straightforward and profitable experience.
Anything from a single item to a full house clearance can be catered for.
We are often asked to consign items following the passing of a loved-one, or when an elderly relative is perhaps down-sizing or moving to a care home. We appreciate that these circumstances are often very stressful. We will always be sensitive and discreet in our dealings with those responsible for sorting things out.
Our golden-rule is never throw anything away – it is amazing how often items that may be felt “worthless” turn-out to be somebody’s dream purchase!
In the first instance please telephone, e-mail or call-in and we can discuss valuing your item(s). Our advice is free and is offered on an absolutely no obligation basis.
If you decide to consign with us, we will arrange to receive your item(s). We will catalogue and photograph these for our next appropriate auction. Our catalogue will be widely advertised and we have the facility to sell worldwide via our on-line bidding partner, so rest-assured your items will reach the widest possible audience of prospective buyers.
If you wish, you can sit back and watch the auction take place. Most items sell at the first attempt. Once your buyer has paid for the items, we will issue you with a payment for the sale proceeds, less our commission.
In short, that’s it! Our full terms and conditions are available on our website here, or at our saleroom. We look forward to speaking with you soon…………